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  • Small Beginnings with Sara
Sara Thurman


Sara is a #1 bestselling author, inspiring speaker, and woman of faith. Her natural ability to connect and share with her audiences brings forward her calming approach to life and her transformative expertise. She merges faith, energy, and enthusiasm to empower, and encourage any audience. Reach out to us today via our contact form to learn more about how to feature Sara’s books, interview Sara, or invite Sara to speak at your event.

Small Beginnings with Sara Podcast

Small Beginnings
with Sara Podcast

I am taking on a new endeavor and I’d like to invite you to join me. Each week I will be sharing my personal journey with you, a journey full of new beginnings, from tears of joy to tears of grief and I am passionate about bringing hope and inspiration to you in my Podcast, “Small Beginnings with Sara”. I believe we all have an innate ability to create. In Genesis 1:27, God says that we are created in His image. And if He is the Great Creator then we are all made to create. I will be sharing how God has been right in the middle of my own journey. God will be right in the middle of your story, too.

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Small Beginnings

As I am passionate about bringing hope and inspiration not only through my podcast but also my blog. By subscribing below you will receive inspirational messages and updates along with amazing stories that I will share with you through the blog. Subscribe now and let’s take this journey together with God.

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Small Beginnings Blog

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©2023 by Sara Thurman & Acts 1:8 Blessings. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

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  • Small Beginnings with Sara
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